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Law Firm Involves Police After Fired Attorney Sends Threatening Messages

In 2020, international law firm Walker Morris fired an attorney for gross misconduct. The lawyer, identified as BL, worked at the firm for five years when he was let go. In 2023, BL began contacting his former colleagues with threatening messages.

As reported by Roll on Friday:

One frightening message from BL said, “The violence is inevitable, it’s just making sure I get the right person and family. So you can imagine how much violence is about to ensue”.

The firm reported him to the police, but the threats continued.

BL even began contacting the children of Walker Morris lawyers, sending them abusive messages accusing them of involvement in a bizarre conspiracy. In one message to a woman in her early 20s who is the daughter of a senior Walker Morris lawyer, he wrote, “Why are you and your dad hacking my phone and stopping me working in law…weird little cunt”.

The threats continued despite the best efforts of the firm. Earlier this week the firm received an injunction against BL to stop him from sending these messages. However, even right before the hearing BL continued his campaign of harassing messages.

Indicating that compliance may be an issue, before the hearing BL sent an email to a Walker Morris leader copying in other staff which stated, “that all you got Hitler?”

A spokesperson for the firm commented, “In order to ensure the safety of our people and due to the ongoing actions of the individual, we were left with no option but to involve the police and obtain an injunction. Given the ongoing police investigation and pending litigation, we cannot comment further.”

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).


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