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Learn more about Rise of the Ronin’s combat in the new Combat Vignette video

Following up on last week’s World Vignette video, Sony Interactive Entertainment and Team Ninja have released the next video in a series of Rise of the Ronin Vignettes going over the game. In this week’s Combat Vignette, players can see how they’ll be able to use melee weapons, ranged weapons, and how they can be tied together during the heat of combat.

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The video can be found below, courtesy of Sony and Team Ninja.

Rise of the Ronin launches on March 22 for PlayStation 5. If you missed it, you can catch last week’s World Vignette – where it was revealed that as a player you’ll want to find and collect cats – here.

In Rise of the Ronin, you can face your foes with a variety of melee and ranged weaponry, commanding unique special moves to prevail in combat.

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