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What to Do When Your Pain Is Dismissed

Migraine is a common neurological disorder, especially among women. But only about half of people who have it seek medical care for these intense headaches, and most wait before seeking help from a doctor. Fewer than that leave the doctor’s…

When Body Image Becomes a Problem for Female Athletes

There’s no denying that there are many benefits to sports besides physical health. For girls and women, sports can be empowering. They can build confidence, social connections, and leadership skills. But the sporting environment can also place unique pressure on…

Don’t Worry, Gen Z, Your Face Isn’t Aging Faster Than Others

April 18, 2024 – The explosive rise in skin care “influencers” hawking product after product on social media has led many young people to seek anti-aging products and procedures even as experts say there is no actual evidence that Gen…

Your Quit-Smoking Fears Debunked

You’d love to stop smoking. The health reasons are a mile long and your body is (between coughs) telling you that it’s time. But you have fears about quitting smoking. Will you gain weight? How can you manage stress and…

Identify Your Triggers to Quit Smoking for Good

After 15 years of smoking, Adrian Diaz Bulibasa decided it was time to quit. “I wanted to have a baby and I didn’t want the health of my future baby to be affected by my choices,” he says. But quitting…

When to Call a Pediatrician

It’s 2 a.m. Your baby is crying and you can’t soothe them. They have a fever and a stuffed nose. Do you call the pediatrician, or do you wait until morning? New parenthood is full of uncertainty. When you’re a first-time…

The Truth About Whole-Body Scans

Take a drive around certain neighborhoods in Los Angeles and you may spot as many signs advertising body scans as burger joints. Or maybe you’ve seen the ads on TV or the internet: “Protect your health! Get a body scan…

Coughing at Night: How to Stop

What can feel more frustrating than having a cough? Having a cough that happens more often or gets worse at night. It affects how much you can relax, fall and stay asleep, and get much-needed rest for recovery.  “During sleep,…

Living With Crohn’s: My Daily Routine

By Michelle Pickens, as told to Danny Bonvissuto As early as I can remember, I’ve had issues with my health. When I was little, I had severe constipation, nausea, vomiting, and food sensitivities. As I got older, those symptoms transitioned…

How to Get Your Child Involved

Who knows better than parents that cleaning the house regularly helps keeps germs at bay and goes a long way toward preventing kids from catching colds, flu, and allergy symptoms? Sometimes, though, parents could use a helping hand when it…